Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blogging again..and gardening in upstate New York

I've been inspired to cleanup this blog and give it a bit more attention. I'm having the same kind of emotions that I get when I look at my house and think about all the work it would take to get it looking merely respectable.

Big sigh.

And then there's the blank slate that my brain becomes when I try to think of something to talk about. So. Here I am. Talking about thinking about what I ought to be doing. Hehe. It's pretty meta, but at least the ice will be broken (hopefully) and the next article will be easier.

Maybe I should talk about gardening... It's that time of year, here in upstate New York. We spent last week in lovely Williamsburg, Virginia, where it's really spring. It was kind of depressing to get home to little heaps of snow. And the lawn had frost on it this morning. But the crocuses are up and the daffodils are about ready to burst into flower; the rhubarb has shoots. Too many, actually. Should probably split it up soon.

I've been planning to make some raised beds for years, because most of our lot is actually overgrown gravel. So every time I plant something, I have to get out the pickaxe. Really. I'm not kidding. It makes it hard to get things started. Nonetheless, I've pickaxed out trenches for raspberries and grapes and a kiwi. And some blueberries. But raised beds are definitely going in this year. Maybe even this weekend. My house gets lots of sun and is substantially warmer than the surrounding area, so we're really about a zone warmer than the average. We get a few weeks extra in the fall, too.

Just got an Amazon delivery. (Darn that Prime. With no shipping charges to hold me back it's so easy to Just Click. Does Amazon actually make money, when I don't pay any shipping? Hard to believe.) I heard that Diana Wynne Jones had died. I looked her books up, and realized that I had never read the sequels to "Howl's Moving Castle", which I just loved. So now I have quite a few books queued up in the TBR pile. That's nice change, since I had run out of things to read for a while. I went through a huge reading binge and just wore out my ability to enjoy most of it, plus read pretty much everything I could find in my usual genres.

Well, on to planning the raised beds. Oh...<sheepishly>...and doing some writing, too.